Making the Switch to Safe Deodorant

If you’re going to make the switch to a safer deodorant, make sure it’s one that works, like Primally Pure!

Making the switch to a safe deodorant is a very important decision towards living a less-toxic lifestyle. If you’re going to start switching to safer products, start with the products that you use every single day, for example, your deodorant! I know a lot of you think safe deodorant does not work. Believe me I have tried so many different brands before landing on the THIS natural deodorant from Primally Pure that does work!

I have always been a sweater, a big- time sweater! I remember back in high school when options were very limited, especially in a small town in Montana. I would choose some clinical level deodorant and antiperspirant from the drug store, the strongest stuff I could possibly find to help me not stink and sweat. What I know now is that stuff was absolutely terrible for me. Reminder though that we do the best we can until we know better and then we do better! I also did NOT know back then that sweating is healthy. It is good for you and it is important and you cannot and should not avoid it.  

What to look for in a Safe Deodorant ~ There are a lot of antiperspirants and deodorants that you will find out there that keep your body from sweating that contain harmful chemicals like aluminum, parabens and phthalates. These ingredients have been linked to cancers and can disrupt endocrine function. Bottom line is that a safe deodorant should not contain antiperspirant or aluminum and steer clear of ones that appear to have safe ingredients but still contain fragrance. You will not completely stop sweating with a natural deodorant. But the right one will stop the stink and the good news is, your body will adjust over time to both the sweating and the stink. My body adjusted and if a safe deodorant can work for me, it can work for anyone!

6 Helpful Tips When Switching to a Safe Deodorant

  1. Know your Why ~ With most things, if you know the why or your why behind it, it helps to do that particular thing. Whether it’s working out, eating healthy, using safe products, or running a marathon, if you have a why behind it that is important to you, then you will be more apt to doing the thing. My Why for using safe products is I just feel like there are so many things we cannot control in our environment and in the world that cause health issues and increase risks for cancer and disrupt our endocrine system. I at least want to control the factors I can. I also have an autoimmune disease, so for me, safe products, an anti-inflammatory diet, etc. are essential to managing that. (But that is a different blog!) The Why is important and then you can also weigh certain things too. The trade-off for a little sweat here and there but knowing I have decreased my health risks is a no brainer.
  2. Find a Safe Deo that Works for You! My vote and the one that works for me after trying countless others is Primally Pure! Use PILATESFT for a discount! It is not only made with clean, organic ingredients, even those ingredients are taken to another level with how they are sourced. The biggest thing is this safe deodorant WORKS and feels amazing on my skin. Some natural deodorants can burn or irritate the skin under your arms. With first use, you can tell a difference in that department. My favorite scents are lavender, Blue Tansy and Tea Tree and my all-time favorite, that I wait all year for, is the Holiday scent. There is something about this one that feels so amazing! I have been using this particular deodorant for about 8 years now, close to the start of this company, when natural products were still somewhat of an anomaly.
  3. Give it time. It takes a few weeks, maybe even a little longer for your body to regulate and detoxify and adjust to a safe deodorant and no antiperspirant. This time of year, is a fabulous time to make the switch though when we’re wearing more sweatshirts and sweaters and less tank tops and sundresses. Your body will eventually sweat less and the brief stink stage is your body’s way of detoxifying. So, just embrace it and the next step will help with the temporary stink before your body adjusts.
  4. A Natural Lavender Soap is a great partner to a natural deodorant! Lavender soap is great for many different things, but I keep a bar in the shower just for my under arms. It is a natural anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. It helps calm irritation, improve skin tone, heals and protects. It’s many amazing qualities make it a great pair for a natural deodorant. I get a really nice goat’s milk one at our local Farmers Market. But any local health food store will have a natural bar of lavender soap.
  5. Less is More but Reapply ~ Less is More when it comes to safe deodorant. Just 1-2 swipes will do the trick. However, I do need to reapply occasionally, so I have a small deodorant in my purse, travel and gym bag as well. It’s nice to have for an additional swipe after a long plane ride or workout or when you’ve been at the beach all day.
  6. Everything Spray ~ Honestly the magic potion from Primally Pure! This Everything Spray does just like it says, EVERYTHING! The reason I have included it here is because a couple sprays under the arms before applying deodorant are a game changer as well. It is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, it disinfects and deodorizes, stimulates healing, soothes and calms irritated skin and helps to balance pH levels. I use this spray as a toner, a setting spray and a refresher as well. It is literally the BEST product ever!

Be patient. This one can take a little time. But once you make the clean switch to a clean deo, you will never go back! For a discount use PILATESFT on any Primally Pure Products.